Wednesday, May 5, 2010

SB:U14-Ex15 p.101

1.Steve said that I was thinking of adopting a dolphin.
2.Sheila asked him. How often he went there?
3.Claire asked jeef if he joined the club
4.Mary said that it was his birthday on 6th mary.
tommy said that I'd fed the chickens.

SB:U14-Ex14 p.101

1.She asked me How it was?
2.She asked me what kind of it was dog?
3.She asked me if it needed a lot of exercise?
4.She asked me what it ate?
5.She asked me it needed to got to the vet?
6.She asked me How much is cost?

SB:U14-Ex12 p.101

1.She said to that Racoons were grey with a striped tail.
2.He said to that grey squirrel's had got long,bushy tails.
3.She said that hedgehogs slept during the winter.
He told us,Mall deer grew antlers every tear

SB:U14-Ex11 p.100's the best trip I've never been no sally said.
Sally said to that it was the best trip I'd anevber been on.
2.I'll never forget it,"john said to me"
john said to me that i would never forget it.
3.I've never found my camera,Scott said.
Scott said to that I had found my camera.
4.I didn't enjoy the film very much,"Bob said"
Bob said to that I hadn't enjoy the film very much.
5.It's boiling hot outside,"jean said"
jean said to that It was boiling hot outside.
6.It's getting colder and colder,"Ann told us"
Ann told us that It was getting colder and colder.

SB:U14-Ex10 p.100

1.he told us that there are only 1,000 giant pandas left in china.
2.soon there will be gorillas left he told.
3.she told me that she was right.
4.he told that held never seen a panda before.
5.Billy said to me,I'm going to the zoo tomorrow.
6.I can't help you,she told me.

SB:U14-Ex7 p.99

1. about the danger of sth, 2. kill sth for sth, 3. in captivity
4. in the wild,5. made from rhino horn, 6. smuggled across the border,
7. in my opinion, 8. to be worried about sth

SB:U14-Ex5 p.99

1. an endangered, 2. protection project, 3. a nature documentary
4. rhino horn, 5. to become extinct, 6. amusing personalities, 7. a chance of survival
8. to face extinction, 9. a freshwater turtle, 10. this species of tirtle
11. to buy products

SB:U13-Ex19 p.96

1.A:Do you like dancing to traditional misic?
B:Yes,i do.Actually.I enjoy dancing to traditional music.
Do you like dancing to traditional music?
A:no,I don't.I can't stand dancing to traditional music.
2.A:Do you like watching firefox displays
B:Yes,I do.Actually.I like watching firefox displays.
Do you like wearing fancy-dress?
A:No,I don't.I hate wearing fancy-dress.
3.Do you like listening to loud music?
B:No,I don't.ACtually.Ican't stand listening to loud music.
Do you like going to parties?
B:No,I don"t. I don't mind going to parties.
4.A;Do you like staying up all night?
B:Yes,Ido.Actually.I love staying up all night.
Do you like flying kites?
B:No,I don't.I hate flying kites.
5.A:Do you likesending cards?
B:No,I don't.actually.i like sending cards.
Do you likegiving present?
A:No,I don't.I don't like playing party games.
6.A:Do you like visiting exhibitions?
B:Yes,I do.Actually.I love visiting exhibitions.
Do you like listening to rock music?
A:No,i don't.I can't stand listenong to rock music.
7.A:Do you like eating traditional food.
B:Yes,I do.ACtually.I love singing traditional songs.
Do you like celebrating with friends?
A:No,I don't.I can't stand celebrating with friends.

SB:U13-Ex18 p.96 send
6.playing go buy stay up

SB:U13-Ex13 p.95


SB:U13-Ex12 p.95, 2. cinema, 3. rock concert,4. funfair, 5. restautant

SB:U13-Ex10 p.94

A:Excuse me.Is there a bowling alley near here?
B:Yes,there's in hampton street.
A:HOW do i get there?
B:Go along this street and turn down at the traffic lights.Then take the second turning on the go into hampton street.The bowling alley is about 100 metres down the street turn your right.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

SB:U13-Ex7 p.93

1. a visit to ( a place), 2. at the beginning of may, 3. on the way there
4. amazed at sth, 5. ready for sth, 6. to fill sth with sth else,
7. embroidered with designs, 8. to protect sth from sth else,
9. at the same time, 10. to leave for ( a place)

SB:U13-Ex6 p.93

1. decorate, 2. matched, 3. admired, 4. protected, 5. explained

SB:U13-Ex5 p.86

1. local people, 2. to bring good health, 3. brightly-coloured floats
4. to win a prize, 5. to fly a kite, 6. elaborate designs, 7. kite strings
8. to wave flags, 9. to bang drums, 10. to play trumpets
11. blow whistles, 12. a stunning show, 13. the city centre

The Kite Battles

I'll never forget my visit to the Japanese city of Hamamatsu. I decided to go at the beginning of May, when the local people have their kite festival. Every year, between 3rd and 5th May, the local people fly colorful kites to bring their children good health, strength and courage. On the way there I read a little about the history of the Hamamatsu Kite Festival.Apparently, it all started about 430 years ago, when the lord of the region sent a huge kite into the sky with his child's name on it.
Би Японы Хамамацу хотод очиж байснаа хэзээ ч мартахгүй.Орон нутгийн хүмүүсээс цаасан шувууны наадам болдог тухай сонсоод 5 дугаар сарын эхээр явахаар шийдсэн юм. Жил бүрийн 5 дугаар сарын 3-5ны хооронд нутгийн иргэд өнгө өнгийн цаасан шувууг өөрсдийнхөө хүүхдүүдэд эрүүл энх амар тайван эр зоригийг авчирна хэмээн нисгэдэг.Би замдаа Хамамацу хотын Цаасан шувууны наадмын тухай нэгэн түүх сонссон юм. Энэ бүхэн нь 430 жилийн өмнө мужийн ноён том цаасан шувуун дээр өөрийн хүүхдийн нэрийг бичин тэнгэрт хөөргөж байснаас эхэлсэн гэдэг.

When I arrived there, a few days before the beginning of the festival, I was amazed at the preparations involved.Some people were making enormous kites, while others were busy decorating brightly-coloured floats. Everywhere I went I could smell cakes and sweets cooking, ready for the big festival. I couldn't wait to try them!
Фестиваль эхлэхээс хэд хоногийн өмнө би тэнд очсон бөгөөд би бэлтгэл сургуулилтыг гайхан шагширсан.Зарим хүмүүс нь аварга том цаасан шувуу хийж байх нь өөр нэг хэсэг нь цаасан шувуугаа өнгө өнгөөр будаж чимэглэж байсан.Хаасайгүй л явахад амттай хоол бялуу үнэртэж том наадамд бэлдэж байсан юм. Би хүлээж чадахгүй байлаа.

On the first day of the festival, the sky was filled with huge, colorful kites. I was so excited that I couldn't take my eyes off the sky.The aim of the battle Explained an old man is not to win a prize but for the teams to show off their skills by knocking the other team kites out of the sky.He also told me that each team was flying a kite for a family who had recently had their first child.I noticed that every team had different costumes which were embroidered with elaborate designs to match the ones on their kites. They wore scarves around their heads and they had to wear gloves to protect their hands from the kites strings
The kites teams rarely men but hundreds of women and children had come to watch the event
The atmosphere was fantastic and all around me people kept waving flags banging drums playing trumpets and blowing whittles At the same time the teams were furiously tugging their opponents kites to the ground I couldn't’t help admiring them for putting on such a stunning show

Áàÿðûí ýõíèé ºäºð эõэëëýý. Òýíãýðò ìàø îëîí òîì òîì öààñàí øóâóóä õººðñºí áàéëàà. Áè í¿äýíäýý÷ èòãýæ ÷àäàõ¿é ãàéõàæ áàéëàà.Òóëààí÷ áîëæ áàéíà äàà ãýæ íýã õºãøèí õ¿í õýëëýý. Ýíý òýìöýýíä ÿëàã÷ ãýæ ¿ã¿é õàðèí òýíãýðò àëü áàã íü èë¿¿ èõ óð ÷àäâàðòàé óäèðäàæ öààñàí øóâóóãàà õººðãºõºäë ãîë ó÷èð íü áàéãàà ãýâ.̺í øèíý õ¿¿õýä òºðºõºä ò¿¿íä çîðèóëæ öààñàí øóâóó õººðãºäºã çàíøèëòàé ãýæ òàéëáàðëàëàà.Öààñàí øóâóóí äýýð ç¿¿ îðîîæ õàòãàìàë õàòãàñàí áàéãààã áè ìàø àíõààðàëòàéãààð õàðæ áàéñàí. Öààñàí øóâóóã õººðãºæ áàéãàà õ¿ì¿¿ñ ãàðòàà áýýëèé ºìñºí óÿàíààñ áàðüæ áàéëàà. Òýäãýýðèéã õººðãºæ áàéãàà õ¿ì¿¿ñèéí èõýíõ íü ýðýãòýé áàéñàí áîëîâ ÷ ýìýãòýé÷¿¿ä, õ¿¿õä¿¿ä ìàø îëíîîðîî öóãëàðñàí áàéëàà. Õ¿ì¿¿ñèéí ñýòãýë õºäëºë áîëîí ø¿¿ãýëäýõ ÷èìýý, áºìáºð áºìáºðäºõ ÷èìýý, èðãýí òîéðîíä á¿õ õ¿ì¿¿ñ òóã òàðöàã, áàðüæ ÿâàõ íü óóð àìüñãàëûã óëàì ãàéõàìøèãòàé áîëãîæ áàéëàà. ßã òýð ¿åä òýìöýýíä îðæ áàéãàà áàãóóäûí òýìöýë óëàì ºðíºæ ýõýëæ áàéëàà.
On the last evening of the festival I really enjoyed walking around the city centre and watching the floats People had put an incredible amount of work into making them and they were really beautiful. It made me feel sad to think that I would leave for Tokyo the next day but I knew that the memories of the kite festival would stay with me forever.
Áàÿðûí õàìãèéí ñ¿¿ëèéí ºäºð áîëîõîä áè õîòûí òºâ ãóäàìæààð òóã òàðöàã õàðàí àëõàæ ÿâëàà. Õ¿í áîëãîíû öàðàéä èíýýìñýãëýë òîäîð÷ ¿çýñãýëýíòýé õàðàãäàæ áàéëàà.
Ìàðãààø ºäºð íü áè Òîêèî õîòîîñ ÿâàõ áîëñîí ÷ òýíä áîëñîí öààñàí øóâóó õººðãºõ áàÿðûí äóðñàìæûã õýçýý÷ ìàðòàõã¿é.

SB:U12-Ex16 p.86

The bottle-opener is something which opens bottles.
Radio is something which plays music
Compass is something which shows the way.
Cooler is something which keeps food cool.
Key is something which opens doors.
Tootbrush is something cleans teeth.
Clock is something which shows the time

SB:U12-Ex14 p.85

1.A barman is someone who serves drinks.
2.A porter is someone who carries luggage.
3.Chef is someone who cooks food.
4.Maid is someone who serves meals.
5.Waiter is someone who cleans rooms.
6.Receptionest is someone who welcomes guests.

3 degree below freezing

Looking for an exciting winter getaway? Then try the Ice Hotel in northern Sweden and spend a few days in a giant igloo. 2000 tonnes of ice and 30000 of snow are needed to build the Ice Hotel every year. When the thermometr hits 3 degrees below freezing,the building of the hotel starts.

Өвлийн амралтаа гадагшаа амралтанд өнгөрүүлнэ гэвэл ямар санагдаж байна? Дараа нь хэдэн өдрийг аварга том мөсөн зочид буудалд Шведийн хойд хэсэгт өнгөрүүлнэ. Жил бүр энэ мөсөн зочид буудлыг барихын тулд 30000 тн цас, 2000 тн мөс хэрэглэдэг. Зочид буудлыг барьж эхлэхэд л термометр 3градусаас доошгүй зааж эхэлдэг.

The Hotel has rooms for over 100 guests, as well as an ice sauna,a cinema, The Ice Chapel and the world-famous Absolut Ice Bar. The temperature inside the Hotel is minus 3 degrees Celsius, but that seems warm when you compare it to the temperature outside ,which can fall below minus 30 degrees Celsius.

Зочид буудалд 100н зочны өрөө байхаас гадна мөн дэлхийд хамгийн алдартай мөсөн бар, мөсөн сүм, мөсөн саун, кинотеатр зэрэг байна.Зочид буудалд -3градус Цельс байна гэвч энэ нь гадаа доод тал нь -30 градус Цельс байдагтай харьцуулахад дулаахан санагдана.

Before bedtime, have a meal prepared by master chefs, then visit the Absolut Ice Bar, where you might just meet your favourite model and actor, or enjoy a crystal-clear view of the starry Arctic sky. When it's time for bed, don't worry about keeping warm. The Ice Hotel provides guests with warm sleeping bags to sleep in. Guests wake up to a hot drink, after which they can enjoy an early morning sauna and a tasty breakfast

Унтахынхаа өмнө, ахлах тогоочийн хоолыг зооглоод дараа нь мөсөн бааранд очиж Арктикийн тунгалаг талстан оддыг таалахаас гадна өөрийн дуртай жүжигчин, модельтой уулзах боломжтой юм. Унтах үедээ дулаанаа хадгалах тухай санаа зовох хэрэггүй. Мөсөн Зочид буудлаас зочидод дулаан уутан хөнжил олгодог. Зочидод өглөө сэрээд халуун юм уусныхаа дараа эрт саун явж, амтай өглөөний цай уух нь таалагддаг.

The Arctic is the perfect place for outdoor activities such as dog-sledding,ice-fishing and skiing. If you haven't got skis, the staff at the reception will provide you with everything you need.
Арктик бол сайхан газар, та нохойтой чаргаар аялж, мөсөн доороос загас барих цанаар гулгах үйл ажиллагаанууд байдаг.

A visit to the Ice Hotel is an unforgettable experience and the perfect way to liven up your winter. Don't miss this chance of a lifetime.
Мөсөн зочид буудалд та өвлийг мартагдашгүй сайхан, хөгжилтэй өнгөрөөнө.Нэг насныхаа энэ явдлыг насан туршдаа бүү мартаарай.

SB:U12-Ex9 p.84

1.sunny, 2.rainy
3.windy, 4.stormy
5.cloudy, 6.snowy

Alton Towars - Where the magic never ends!

The Alton Towers Hotel is set in the heart of Staffordshire's scenic countryside in the North-west of England. It is only minutes away from Britain's most magical theme park, Alton Towers. Like the park, the hotel offers guests the chance to experience a delightful holiday full of fun and surprises.

Английн баруун хойно орших Staffordshire õºäºº газарт Àëòîí öàìõàã áàéðëàäàã. Áðèòàíû õàìãèéí èä øèäèéí ãýìýýð öýöýðëýãò õ¿ðýýëýíãýýñ õýäõýí ìèíóòûí çàéòàé Àëòîí öàìõàã áàéäàã. Ýíýõ¿¿ ïàðê íü çî÷èä áóóäàëä àìàðàõààð èðñýí çî÷èäîä ãýíýòèéí ñîíèí ç¿éëñ áàñ õºãæèëòýé ñàéõàí àìðàëòûí ºäðèéã ñàíàë áîëãîäîã.

The first thing you’ll notice when you enter the hotel is the extra ordinary reception desk which is made of piles of antique luggage and a flying machine which stretches up to the ceiling! The hotel also offers an amazing range of themed rooms and suites. These include the peter Rabbit bedrooms the Garden rooms the Explorer room the Gadburry’s chocolate bedroom ,the Coca-cola Fizzy factory room and the Arabian night suit which is possibly the most romantic hotel suit in the world.
All the bedrooms and suites have a bathroom tea and coffee making facilities satellite TV and a baby listening facility.

Àíõ îðîîë ÷è òààçíààñ íü óíæñàí íèñäýã ìàøèí, ýðòíèé ýä ç¿éëñ áîëîí åð áóñûí ãýìýýð õ¿ëýýí àâàã÷èéí øèðýýã îëæ õàðàõ áîëíî.Ýíý áуудал íü áàñ иж бүрэн òîõèæóóëñàí гайхамшигтай өрөөнүүдийã санал болгодог. Дэлхий дээрх хамгийн романтик өрөөнөөс авхуулаад Арабын үдэш, ìаш ñàéõàí хүйтýí Coca Cola санагдуулам өрөө, алдарт Êàäáóð-ûí øîêîëàä ìýòýýð çàñàæ òîõèæóóëñàí ºðºº, ýðýë õàéãóóäûí ãýìýýð öýöýðëýãò õ¿ðýýëýí òóóëàéã ñàíàãäóóëàì óíòëàãûí ºðººí¿¿äòýé áàéäàã.Á¿õ óíòëàãûí ºðººíä íü óãààëãûí ºðºº áîëîí öàé, êîôå áóöàëãàã÷òàé áàéäàãààñ ãàäíà òåëåâèç áîëîí õèéìýë äàãóóëààñ øóóä àâüÿàñëàã õ¿¿õä¿¿äèéí òîãëîëòûã ¿çýõ áîëîìæòîé.

You’ll never get bored at the Alton towers hotel even during rainy or cold weather! After a thrilling day at the park you can relax in the pool at the Pirat’s Lagoon.Kid’s can Pirate Bills club which is a great opportunity to make new friends while taking part in games,drawing face painting and lots more with Pirate Bill himself!The secret garden restaurant offers delicious dishes from around the world while the hotel’s two bars the Dragon bar and the Captian’s bar are both ideal places to relax with a coffee or a cocktail in the evening.

Áîðîîíû óëèðàë þì óó ýñâýë õ¿éòíèé óëèðàëä ýíä èðýõ òèéì ÷ òîõèðîìæòîé áèø áàéäàã. Ïàðê äàõü äàðààãèéí ñîíèðõîëòîé ºäð¿¿äýä Ïèðàòñèéí õèéìýë äàëàéí õàæóóä àìàð÷ ÷àäíà.Õ¿¿õä¿¿ä Ïèðàòñ Áèëëèéí êëóáýýñ îëîí íàéçóóäòàé áîëæ òýäýíòýé õàìò õºãæèëòýé òîãëîæ, áàñ îëîí ÿíçûí òîãëîîì òîãëîõ áîëîìæòîé.Íóóöëàã öýöýðëýãýýñ á¿ðäñýí ðåñòîðàíä õàìãèéí àìòòàé õîîë ìºí Ëóóò áààð, Àõìàäûí áààð ãýõ ìýò áààðíóóäòàé òýíä ¿äýø á¿ð êîôå ýñâýë êîêòåëü ñàíàë áîëãîäîã.

The Alton Tower’s hotel is the ideal place for fun family holiday at anytime of year but don’t forget that the theme park is only open from mid March to the of October. Remember Alton Tower’s is the land where the magic never ends check our price guide for current prices.

Ãýð á¿ëýýðýé õºãæèëòýé áàéõ ãàçàð Àëòîí öàìõàã, ãýõäýý òà ìàíàéõààð ¿éë÷ë¿¿ëýõ ãýæ áàéãàà áîë ìàíàéõ 3 ñàðûí äóíä ¿åýýñ 10 ñàð õ¿ðòýë àæèëäãèéã á¿¿ ìàðòààðàé! Ñàíóóëæ õýëýõýä ýðòõýí çàõèàëãàà ºãººðýé áàñ òà ìàíàéõààñ õºòº÷ àâ÷ áîëíî.

SB:U12-Ex7 p.83

1.gets, 2. joined, 3. made, 4. book, 5. offers

SB:U12-Ex6 p.83

1.set in the heart of Staffordshire, 2. in the north-west of England
3. minutes away from Alton Towers, 4. full of fun
5. stretches up to the ceiling, 6. an range of rooms and suites
7. the most romantic hotel suite the world
8. to relax in the pool, 9. the ideal place for a holiday at any time of year

SB:U11-Ex24 p.81

If the cities have more trees in the green areas,people would have more oxygen.
If people improve public transport,cities would be less polluted.
If people used bicycle,people would leave cars at home.
If people recycled things,City wouldn'tbe so much ribbish everywhere.
If people created more parks,children would be able to play safety.

SB:U11-Ex20 p.80

1.A:What would you do of you see a UFO?
B:If i saw UFO,i would come.
2.A:What would you do if you were able to travel back in time?
B:if i were able to travel back in time,i would change all things.
3.A:What would you do,if you were accidentally bump somebodies car while parking.
B:If i was accidentally bump somebody'
s car while parking,i would help somebody
4.A:What would you do if you lose your best friend's favourite jacket?
B:If i lose my best friend's favourite jacket,would find his jacket.
5.A:What would you do if you were ship wrecked on desert island?
B:If i was shipwrecked on desert.i would die

SB:U11-Ex17 p.80

1.C, 2.C, 3.C, 4.C, 5.C

SB:U11-Ex11 p.77

1. If we all used bicycles, there wouldn't be so much air pollution.
2. If there was more bins in towns and cities, there wouldn't be so much litter on our streets.
3. If we didn't polluted lakes and rivers, we had clean drinking water.

SB:U11-Ex13 p.78


SB:U11-Ex12 p.78

1. because of sth, 2. to live in a city,
3. to stop sb from doing sth, 4. an answer to the problem

SB:U11-Ex7 p.77

1. improve, 2. causes, 3. created
4. destroys,5. hunt, 6. breathe

SB:U11-Ex8 p.77

1.because of the sth. live in city stop sb from doing sth. answer to the problem.

SB:U11-Ex6 p.77

1. to ban cars, 2. air pollution
3. traffic fumes, 4. acid rain
5. public transport, 6. logging companies
7. rare plants, 8. to plant trees
9. cleaner air, 10. endangered species
11. basic needs, 12. to live safely

SB:U10-Ex20 p.75

Tomorrow I have to fix the fence
So do I But I don't have to do paint the living room
Neither do I
Tomorrow I have to clean the house
So do I but I don't have to tidy the garage
Neither do I

SB:U10-Ex19 p.75

You mustn't play near the pond
You must a teenager going skiing
You must a non-going bird watching near the beach

SB:U10-Ex18 p.74

a. child saved from drowning on pone
b. visit Beach ends in Fall onto Rocks
c. British skirt trapped in snow

SB:U10-Ex17 p.73

1-c, 2-b, 3-a

SB:U10-Ex16 p.73

1. a fall from clift-3-a
2. an accident while skiing-2-b
3. an accident in a park-1-c

SB:U10-Ex13 p.72

1. wear uniform-don't have to
2. switch the meter on- mustn't
3. drive carefully- must
4. be rude to passengers- must
5. carry move than four passenger- must
6. have a mobile phone with then- mustn't

SB:U10-Ex10 p.72

1.c 2.d 3.b 4.e 5.a

SB:U10-Ex9 p.72

1. Bob might hit the child
2. Tom could fall out of the tree
3. Don might cut the food
4. Chris sight fall into the hole
5. Stuart could fall into pond drown

SB:U10-Ex8 p.71

we-over selves
they themselves
b) Can i use the knife?
No, You'll cut yourself
What has be done?
He's hurt himself
What's wrong?
I've cut myself
Did they like the party?
Yes, they enjoyed themselves
Why is she crying?
She's burnt herself

SB:U10-Ex6 p.71

1. injured in accidents, 2. happen to sb
3. keep sth in a safe place, 4. put sth away after use
5. on the stove, be in use
7. play with sth, 8. at the top bottom of the stairs
9. put a fence araound sth

SB:U10-Ex5 p.71

1. cut
2. scald
3. poison
4. hurt
5. burn
6. drown

SB:U10-Ex4 p.70

1. cleaning products, 2. sharp objects
3. electric sockets, 4. an electrical sockets start a fire , 6. Safety gates

SB:U10-Ex3 p.70

1.b 2.b 3.a

SB:U10-Ex2 p.70

1. keep, 2. put
3. allow, 4. cover
5. let, 6. fit
7. put

SB:U10-Ex1 p.70

1.c 2.g 3.d 4.f 5.a 6.e 7.b

SB:U9-Ex20 p.67

1. is located
2. is inspired
4. is made
5. has been damaged
6. put up
7. is invented
8. can be see
9. shouldn't be miss

SB:U9-Ex18 p.66

1. invited
2. completed
3. will be opened
4. is built
5. given
6. have to
7. haven't to showed
8. admited
9. isn't allowed

SB:U9-Ex17 p.66

1.b 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.b 6.a

SB:U9-Ex16 p.66

1.a 2. b 3.a 4.a

SB:U9-Ex14 p.65

Sputnik was Launced by Russian in 1957
London is visited by million of thousands
The chapel was repairce by must he repair
The new gallery has been by the queen will open on friday
The museum was redecorated by they
The tv was invented by Fleming

SB:U9-Ex13 p.65

1. was started,2. has been used
3. was opened ,4. is kept
5. had visited

SB:U9-Ex12 p.65

America was discovered by Christoper Columbus in 1492
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bill in1876
The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo DA Vinci in1506
The Parthenon was built by the ancient greeks in the 5th century BC
Romeo and Juliet was written by William Shakespeare in 1595
The Blue Danube was composed by Johann Strauss in 1867

SB:U9-Ex11 p.64

What's is the ring made of?
This is made of gold
What's s this ring made ?
This is made in France
what's is the made of?
this is the made of Silver
What's is the made of?
This is the made in Spain
What is this skirt made of ?
this is made of silk
What is this skirt made?
this is made in china
What is this toy made of?
this is made of Cotton
What is this made?
This is made in England
What is this made of desk?
this is made of Germany

SB:U9-Ex10 p.64

1. Pollution has badly damaged the Sphinx
The Spinx was has been damaged by pollution
2. Visitors should not touch the exhibits
The exhibits shouldn't touched by visitors
3. The ancient Egyptians built ed the pyramids
4. Millions of tourists will visit the Louvre this year
The Louvre will be visit by millions of tourists this year
5. Gustave Eiffel designed a huge iron tower for Paris
A huge iron tower was designed for Paris by Gustave Eiffel
6. You can see the Great wall of China from space
the great wall of china can be see from space
7. Tourists sometimes con fuses Tower Bridge with London bridge
8. The Colosseum was completed by the Romans in 82 AD.

SB:U9-Ex8 p.57

Active: They take visitors down down into a hidden world
Passive: Visitors are taken down into a hidden world
Active: The miners carried salt up to the surface
Passive: Salt was carried up to the surface by the miners
Activr: They have mined salt there for over 700years
Passive: Salt has been mined there for over 700 years

SB:U8-Ex16 p.57

when we returned we found the hurricane had destroyed our house.
when Cath got home, her daughters were waiting for her on the steps.
when Mary reached the top of the hill, the sun was setting.
When we went to see the new house, the painters were painting the outside.
When Jeff got back to his car, he discovered that a traffic warden had left him a parking ticket.
Before the lesson ended, Kerry had fallen sleep.

SB:U8-Ex13 p.57

Tracy served dinner after all her guests had arrived.
After the film had ended Colin left the cinema.
She had read the book several times before she understood it.
When they arrived at the theatre the play had already started.
Paula had already finished tidying her room by the time her room.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

SB:U8-Ex12 p.56

1. I had just finished the cleaning when Bill came round for a cup of coffee.
2. She had never eaten Thai food before she went to Thailand.
3. After Peter had had a bath, he had read his news paper

SB:U8-Ex10 p.56

1. The burglars had broken the window in the study.
2. They had opened the safe.
3. They had stolen the jewellery from inside the safe.
4. They had smashed her favourite vase.
5. They had pulled most of her books out of the bookcase.
6. They had thrown her computer onto the floor.

SB:U8-Ex7 p.55

1. to stop in a place, 2. to rock from side to side
3. in the distance, 4. expect for sb
5. in search for sth 6. to search for sth
7. in the end(=finally) 8. in an island
9. to benefit for sth

Martina Hingis

Everyone has heard of Martina Hingis, one of the greatest tennis players in history of women's tennis.

She was born in Kosice, Czechoslovakia , on 30th September,1980. Martina Hingis started playing tennis at the age of three. Her parents divorced her mother remarried in 1988. She moved to Switzerland with mother and stepfather, has lived there ever since.

Martina Hingis become European champion for players under 18 in 1994. She won the Wimbledon doubles title in 1996 at the age of 15. The next 2 year, she won all four Grand Slam doubles titles in 1998.

Martina determine, hardworking, keen on all sports. She lives horse riding, skiing, going to museums, art galleries, theatre, cinema. When she retires from tennis, she'd like to keep racehorses.

Bill Gates

Everyone has heard of Bill Gates, one of the richest and most and most successful people in the world. Microsoft , the business he started with a friend in 1975, has become the world's largest computer software , and Gates was the world's youngest billionaire at the age of 31.

Äýëõèé äýýðõ õàìãèéí àìæèëòòàé ÿâæ áàéãàà õ¿í á¿ðèéí òàíèäàã àëäàðòàé õ¿í áîë ÿàõèéí àðãàã¿é Áèëë Ãýéòýñ áèëýý. Áèëë Ãýéòýñ äýëõèé äýýðõ õàìãèéí çàëóó áóþó 31 íàñòàéäàà òýðáóìòíãààð òîäîðñîí áóþó ò¿¿íèé àìæèëò 1975 îíä íàéçòàéãàà õàìò Microsoft êîìïàíèéã áàéãóóëñàíòàé ñàëøã¿é õîëáîîòîé.

His full name is William Henry Gates III, and he was born on 28th October, 1955,in Seattle,USA.At school, Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent, and especially good Maths and Science. His parents decided to send him to Lakeside, the private school where he first began to use computers. 13-year-old Bill Gates and his schoolfriend Paul Allen soon spending all their time writing programs and learning about computers instead of doing their schoolwork.

Òýðýýð Àìåðèêûí íýãäñýí óëñûí Citle ìóæèä 1955.11.28íä òºðñºí áºãººä ò¿¿íèé á¿òýí íýðèéã Âèëëÿì Õýíèðè Ãýéòýñ 3 ãýäýã. Áèëë àõëàõ ñóðãóóëüä áàéõäàà ãîö óõààíòàé, ìàòåìàòèê áàñ øèíæëýõ óõààíû õè÷ýýëäýý èë¿¿ ñàéí áàéæýý. Ò¿¿íèéã ýöýã ýõ íü Lakeside ðóó õóâèéí ñóðãóóëüä ñóðãàõààð ÿâóóëñàí íü ò¿¿íèéã êîìïüþòåðòýé õàðèöàõ áîëîìæ îëãîñîí. 13 íàñòàéäàà Áèëë Ãýéòýñ áîëîí ò¿¿íèé äîòíû íàéç áîëîõ Ïàóë Àëëåí 2 õàìòðàí êîìïüþòåðèéí ïðîãðàìì áè÷èæ ýõýëæýý.

After finishing school in 1973, Bill went to Harvard,America's most famous university. Next year, he and Paul Allen wrote an operating program for the Altair, one of the world's first microcomputers. The two friends started Microsoft in 1975, and Gates left Harvard. Before long, Microsoft was a major business success.Since then, the company has continued to grow, producing most of the world's leading PC software. One reason for his success is that Gates as always been very ambitous and hard workingThis has not left him much time for a normal personal life, and in 1995 he wrote a best-selling book, The Road AHead.

1973 îíä àõëàõ ñóðãóóëèà òºãñººä Àìåðèêûí õàìãèéí àëäàðòàé Õàðâàðäûí èõ ñóðãóóëüä ýëñýí îðñîí. Äàðàà æèë íü Áèëë Ãýéòýñ áîëîí Ïàóë Àëëåí 2 óäèðäàõ ïðîãðàìì áóþó äýëõèéí õàìãèéí àíõíû æèæèã êîìïüþòåðûã ¿éëäâýðëýæ ýõýëñýí. Ãýéòýñ Харвардаа орхиж, 2 найз 1975 онд Microsoft компанийг нээсэн юм. Урт хугацааны туршид Microsoft-н бизнес томоохон амжиллтай явагдаж ýõýëñýí.Ò¿¿íýýñ õîéø áèçíåññ íü óëàì èõýýð õºãæèæ ýõýëñýí.Ãýéòýñèéí àìæèëòûí ãîë íóóö íü ò¿¿íèé õºäºëìºð÷ çàí ÷àíàðòàé íü øóóä õîëáîîòîé. Түүнд энгийн хүмүүс шиг амьдрах хангалттай цаг байгаагүй ч тэр Microsoft-н ажилтан baisan Ìýëëèíäà ôðýí÷тэй 1994 онд гэрлэсэн. 1995 онд хамгийн их îðëîãîòîé Road Ahead номоо бичиж байсан юм.

Bill has mixed feelings about spending so much time running Microsoft. "There are a lot of experience I haven't had, but I do like my job," he says. When he does find time to relax, he likes puzzles, golf and reading about science.
For such a rich person, his life is simple, and he spends little on himself and his family.When it comes to helping others, though, Gates is very generous. He has already given huge amounts of money charity, and says that he plans to give away almost all of his wealth when he retries.

Áèëë Microsoft-í òºëºº ìàø èõ õ¿÷ õºäºëìºð çîðèóëñàí, òýðýýð õýëýõäýý "Íàäàä òîõèîëäñîí áýðõøýýë¿¿ä ìààíü àñàð èõ äàäëàãà òóðøëàãà áîëñîí òèéì ÷ ó÷èðààñ áè àæèëäàà äóðòàé ". Áèëë îíüñîãî, ãîëüô áîëîí øèíæëýõ óõààíû õîëáîãäîëòîé íîì óíøèõ äóðòàé. Òèéìýýñ ÷ òýð èõ áàÿí ÷ ò¿¿íèé àìüäðàë ýíãèéí ãýð á¿ëèéí ãèø¿¿ä íü áàãà ìºí㺠¿ðäýã. Áèëë ìàø ºãëºã÷ ó÷ðààñ õ¿¿õä¿¿äýä èõ òóñëàìæ ¿ç¿¿ëäýã áºãººä òýòãýâýðò ãàðàõäàà ºâ õºðºíãèéíõºº áàðàã õóâèéã õ¿ì¿¿íëýãèéí áàéãóóëãàä õàíäèâëàõ ãýæ õýëæýý.

SB:U7-Ex20 p.51

How long have you been studying French?
I've been studying French for seven years
How long have you living in Hollywood?
I've been living Hollywood for last august
How long have you driving racing car?
I've been driving racing car since 1982
How long have you waiting here?
I've been waiting here for a few minutes
How long have you reading that book?
I've been reading book for last mount

SB:U7-Ex18 p.51

1. for, 2. since
3. since, 4. for
5. since, 6. for
7. since, 8. for

SB:U7-Ex17 p.51

1. She has been walking all morning
2. She has been working all night
3. They have been playing basket all afternoon
4. He has been paintong all day
5. They have been shoping all day.

SB:U7-Ex15 p.51

1. did, 2. have
3. did, 4. has
5. have, 6. did
7. has, 8. did

SB:U7-Ex12 p.50

He has just fallen in the water
He has just broken window
He has just hit finger
He has just drop vase
He has just crash into the parking

SB:U7-Ex11 p.50

I've already done my room
I haven't washed my clothes yet
I have gone to the cinema today
I've just listened to the music

SB:U7-Ex10 p.50

He has already made his bed
he hasn't cleaned window yet
He has already put his books on shelves
He hasn't hanged his clothes in wardrobe yet
He has already removed his dirty cups
He has hasn't picked his paper up off floor yet

SB:U7-Ex9 p.50

1.What's the matter Steve?
I've got a headache
Why don't you take an aspirin, then?
2.What's the matter Steve?
I've got a toothache
Why don't you see the dentist, then?
3.What's the matter Steve ?
Ive got the flu
Why don't you go to bed, then?
4. What's the matter Steve?
I've got a stomach ache
Why don't you stop eating chocolate,then?
5. What's the matter Steve?
I've got a cough
Why don't you take some cough medicine, then?

SB:U7-Ex8 p.49

what's the problem Mr Ellis?
I've my twisted my ankle
What's the problem Mr Clark?
I've sprained my hand
What's the problem Tim?
I've hurt my fingers
What's the problem Tina?
I've burned my hand

SB:U7-Ex7 p.43

1. break-broken
2. twist-twisted
3. burn-burned
4. cut- cut
6. scratch-scratched
7. crack-cracked
8. treat-treated
9. sprain-sprained
10. hurt-hurt
11. cure-cured
12. hit-hit

SB:U6-Ex17 p.43

Firstly a good fast-food restaurant should have a varied menu ,large salad bar, fast servise, delicious food , helpful friendly staff
Secondly it should have good music and clean tables

SB:U6-Ex16 p.43

1. A: Would you like
1. B: I'd like it
2. A: Do you want
2. B: How about

SB:U6-Ex15 p.43

a fast-food restaurant? 2,4,5
an expensive restaurant? 1,3,6

SB:U6-Ex14 p.43

1.should, 2. should
3.shouldn't, 4.should
5. should, 6. shouldn't
7. should

SB:U6-Ex13 p.43

1.many, 2. some, 3. many, 4. A little, 5. some, 6. much, 7. any, 8. many, 9. any, 10. much, 11. any, 12. any, 13. a few

SB:U6-Ex12 p.43

SA: Would you like some bacon?
SB: Yes, please and I have some chips too
SA: Of course Do you want a peach
SB: No, thanks I'd rather have an apple
SA: Would you like a sweets ?
SB: Yes please And I can have an orange juice
SA: Of course Do you want a biscuit ?
SB: No thanks I'd rather have a chips
SA: Would you like a hamburger ?
SB: Yes please and can I have a hot dog too
SA: Of course Do you want a milk?
SB: No thanks I'd rather have a tea
SA: Would you like some pasta?
SB: Yes please and can i have some eggs
SA: Of course Do you want a peach?
SB: No thanks I'd rather have a jacket potato

SB:U6-Ex11 p.42

vegetables- lettuce, cucumber, cabbage, broccoli, sprouts, peas.
seafood - mussels
meat- beef, lamb, veal
fruit- peas, watermelon, peaches, apricots, strawberries
Dairy product- eggs, yogurt, cheese
fish- salmon
poultry- turkey, chicken

SB:U6-Ex10 p.42

1. bread
2. bacon
3. butter
4. meat
5. cereal
6. cheese
7. beef
8. potatoes
9. crisps
10. vinegar

SB:U6-Ex9 p.42

1. poach
2. steam
3. bake
4. boil
5. try

SB:U5-Ex28 p.38

J: 1) will
J: 2) won't
J: 3) won't
J: 4) will

SB:U5-Ex24 p.38

S1: If Jack doesn't hear his alarm clock, he won't wake up
S2: If he doesn't wake up his will late for his interview
S1: If he late for his interview he won't get the job
S2: If he doesn't earn any money he his

SB:U5-Ex20 p.37

1. won't
2. am going to
3. will
4. is going to
5. am going to

SB:U5-Ex19 p.36

1. are you going to
2. I'm going to
3. I'm picking
4. I'll work
5. I'm going to
6. I'm going to
7. are going to
8. I'll

SB:U5-Ex18 p.36

A: The glass is chipped
B: Sorry, madam. I'll replace it for you
A: The soup is cold
B: Sorry madam I'll heat it up for you
A: The table is dirty
B: Sorry sir I'll clean it for you
A: The bill is wrong
B: Sorry sir

SB:U5-Ex16 p.36

1. We are going to Jamaica
2. Wow! when are you leaving
3. Yes it's are you leaving
4. I will do
A. What are your plans fro the Christmas
B. We are going to Switzerland when are you going to leave
B. on 20th December
A. it's very cold
B. Yes it's going to rain
A. which extra language are you going to study next year
B. I'm not sure yet But I think I will do Spanish and Russian

SB:U5-Ex15 p.36

1. He is going to win the rise
2. She is going to sell the house
3. She is going to buy a necklace
4. He is going to paint the door
5. They are going to feed the ducks
6. She is going to take some picture.